Spirit Guide Mini Channeling Session

What is Spirit Guide Channeling?

Spirit guide channeling is where I make contact with your guides through a process called channeling. I identify your spirit guides and their purpose in your life. As a visual medium I can describe your guides physical appearance as they make themselves known to me. Your guides offer you help and guidance in all areas of your life and will always come from a place of love.

What is included in my session?

During your 20 minute mini spirit guide channeling session over Zoom video I will channel one of your guides. I will explain their energy signature and their purpose in your life. This is a great way to experience a channeling session without the investment of a full session. It’s also good for a quick session when you want to check in with your guide for help with a specific issue. You are welcome to record the session and I encourage you to take notes.

Your investment for a 20 minute mini session is $20