Reiki Energy Healing Session

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an alternative holistic healing modality that helps the recipient to facilitate the healing of their own body, mind and spirit. The practitioner channels the Universal Life Force Energy through their crown chakra, down through their heart chakra and to the palms of their hands. The practitioner holds their hands just above the recipients fully clothed body, in their energy field, to clear out stagnate and blocked energy so as to allow balanced energy to take its place. Reiki can be used on its own or as a compliment to medical treatments and other healing modalities.

Reiki is beneficial for both people and animals. I personally treated my own dog with Reiki just prior to her being euthanized due to old age and illness. River was in a very nervous, agitated state just beforehand and the Reiki treatments placed her in a calm, serene state. She passed peacefully shortly afterwards. Thanks to Reiki, River’s last moments with us were tranquil, unlike many animals who are very distraught at the time of euthanasia. I’m grateful that Reiki allowed River to make her transition with ease.

Reiki has many benefits, including~

•helps the body facilitate self-healing

•helps relieve pain

•promotes relaxation

•reduces anxiety and depression

•improves digestion 

•alleviates stress and tension

•balances chakras

•clears energy blockages 

•promotes better sleep –

•assists in spiritual growth

•provides end of life comfort for people and animals 

What is included in my session?

1 hour in-person Reiki energy healing session at my location. Session will include a Byosen scan of the client’s body, pendulum check of the chakras and balancing of the chakras. Any areas of client’s concern will be given extra attention during the session. Crystals will be used on the chakras. I will also use a Vogel cut quartz crystal for areas of concern.

Your investment for a 1 hour session is $60