Reiki and Spirit Guide Channeling Session

What is Spirit Guide Channeling?

Spirit guide channeling is where I make contact with your guides through a process called channeling. I identify your spirit guides and their purpose in your life. As a visual medium I can describe your guides physical appearance as they make themselves known to me. Your guides offer you help and guidance in all areas of your life and will always come from a place of love.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an alternative holistic healing modality that helps the recipient to facilitate the healing of their own body, mind and spirit. The practitioner channels the Universal Life Force Energy through their crown chakra, down through their heart chakra and to the palms of their hands. The practitioner holds their hands just above the recipients fully clothed body, in their energy field, to clear out stagnate and blocked energy so as to allow balanced energy to take its place. Reiki can be used on its own or as a compliment to medical treatments and other healing modalities. Reiki is beneficial for both people and animals.

What is included in my session?

1.5 hour in-person Reiki energy healing & channeling session at my location. Session includes Byosen scan of the client’s body and chakra balancing. Any areas of client’s concern are given extra attention. Crystals will be used on the chakras and I will use a Vogel cut quartz crystal for any areas of concern. I will also channel your spirit guides and explain their purpose for you. Your guides are here to help and guide you through every aspect of your life. Loved ones that have passed on often make an appearance in these channeling sessions, bringing with them validation and assurance that they are close by.

Your investment for a 1.5 hour session is $100