When you can’t stop the downward spiral it’s ok to ask for help


There are times in our lives when what lies in front of us is so hard to take that we don’t know how we’ll survive it…..mentally, emotionally, and physically. The road we’re on is pitch black and we can’t see any light on it at all. We do a lot of stumbling on that dark road and sometimes we fall. That falling down often results in an uncontrollable spiraling that we can’t stop on our own, no matter how hard we try and fight it.

The descent down into that spiral is scary as hell. There’s nothing good down in that pit you’re falling into. It’s a dark abyss that will swallow you in its entirety and spit out the remnants of what’s left of your soul, which won’t be much. There are razor sharp chains embedded in the walls of that pit that lash out and grab you, and they refuse to let go. You can’t escape this pit on your own.

When you can’t stop that downward spiral it’s ok to ask for help. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness like we all perceive it to be, but rather a sign of strength. It takes strength to recognize you need help and that you can’t go at it alone. Too often we suffer in silence, thinking we can handle things ourselves. Sometimes what stops us from reaching out for the help we need is the idea that we’re bothering people if we do ask. Many times, it’s a combination of both of those things.

It takes quite a bit of courage to admit to yourself and others that you do need the help they can give you. Those that are meant to be there will always show up for you. They love you and care about you and want to help you with whatever you’re going through. They want you to be ok. They won’t think you’re bothering them. They won’t get irritated at you for calling or texting and saying to them I need help.

The Creator places these people on your path and uses them to help you find the shelter you so desperately need. They pull you up from that downward spiral and drag you out of that hellish pit. They do that because they know how it feels down there. They know it because they’ve been down there, too. These people are the very definition of the saying “I love when people that have been through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire”. These people that showed up for me came armed with the buckets of water I so desperately needed. They saved me from being consumed by the fire. For that, I am eternally grateful to them and for them.